ESSAAR - Educational Society For Strategic Analysis And Research Pakistan

ایثار – تعلیمی ادارہ  براۓ  تجزیہ و تحقیق حکمت عملی – ایک آزاد پاکستانی تحقیقی ادارہ

مجودہ مقام:  صفحہ ء اول و رئیسی| منشور - انگریزی
Manifesto In English

Our Name:


The name of this NGO (Non Governmental Organization) is ESSAAR – Educational Society for Strategic Analysis and Research.


Our Vision:


The Vission Of "ESSAAR" is to create a nation wide uniform system, which will connect our generations with our Religion, Culture and Ummah.



Our Mission:


The mission of ESSAAR (Educational society for strategic analysis and research) a non-partisan Pakistani Think Tank), is to educate the nation as a whole, spread the awareness about their duties, weaknesses, flaws and to establish a society (way of life) based on pure Islamic core values while continuously upholding the self-esteem of the nation.

We as a think tank will suggest the nation in restoring the sovereign and inalienable right and power of Islam through people to choose political and economic options in accordance with our religious, social, cultural and historical values.

We are broad-based educational society for positive change, whose mission is to create a free society based on independent justice and true Islamic values. We know that national renewal can only take place when the people are truly free from all the “Anti and Non-Islamic Systems” imposed on us. Which is only possible through education and awareness.



Our Agenda:


Our agenda is to provide online educational material and policy papers for community and general public, relating to current & strategic affairs, future nation building policies including education, resources management, internal security, political, economic and civil systems, national security issues, international relations and other disciplines.




The objectives are as follows:


1. Our objective is to unlock the potential of the people of Pakistan and to educate them so that they develop their nation through self-reliance according to the ideology of Pakistan.

2. To wake up the nation.

3. To prepare the policy papers for the betterment of all the systems and infrastructures of Pakistan.

4. To invoke the self esteem and self respect in nation.

5. To revoke dependency on the foreign aid and resources.

6. To highlight the national security threats.

7. To strengthen national security and defence against external and internal threats through suggestions.

8. To educate the people of Pakistan about the issues related to the national security and strategic affairs.

9. To promote and protect the freedom of thought and expression in a positive way.

10. To promote equality, unity, solidarity and brotherhood amongst the citizens and to strive for a common identity.

11. To introduce a uniform system of quality education.

12. To promote tolerance through education and to eliminate all kinds of prejudices throughout the country, whether provincial, ethnic, religious, sectarian, linguistic or tribal; and to inculcate a spirit of unity, mutual affection, brotherhood and prosperity for all.

13. To promote and enforce Islamic Laws.

14. To suggest, reform and restructure the civil services at all levels by providing constitutional protection to civil servants against politicization and interference, and to promote specialization and efficiency.

15. To introduce such a economic system which is totally based on Islamic mode of financing and free from Interest and Ribah systems.

16. To define such a political system which is really according to the will of people of Pakistan and constitution.

17. To negate all the anti Pakistani propagandas and to answer them.

18. To spread the correct and positive information about Pakistan and its assets.

Written by Talha Raza